In the event of an upper neck injury where the first cervical vertebra (atlas) shifts out of its proper position, it creates stress and miscommunication in the posture control centers of the lower brainstem. This imbalance results in one side of the spine's posture muscles pulling harder than the other, leading to various issues such as a short leg, uneven hips, high shoulder, and head tilt. By observing others, you may notice these signs and consider referring them for an evaluation.
Additionally, body imbalance caused by misalignment can have long-term effects on spinal discs. Uneven weight distribution across the discs can lead to premature degenerative disc disease, herniation, and even the narrowing of spinal nerve canals (stenosis). Similar to driving a car with misaligned tires causing premature wear, long-term body imbalance accelerates spinal aging. The condition of one's spine often determines the difference between a 75-year-old enjoying golf and one relying on a walker.
To address the underlying cause of these problems, we utilize the precise analysis system developed by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA).
Visit our Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Edmond clinic to experience the benefits of our precise and gentle upper cervical chiropractic care. Regain alignment and discover how it can positively impact your overall health and well-being.
Because each adjustments experience and healing response is unique to the individual, you will be monitored closely for any changes that you might experience which are linked to the healing process.
Once Dr. Rowe has determined the spinal column, and extremities are staying in alignment, it is still important to come in, periodically, for treatment to help avoid problems in the future. Usually, this phase of care only requires a quick visit once per month to keep you aligned and feeling your best.